Red Light Therapy

Red Light and Near-Infrared Therapy: An Overview

Red Light Therapy, also referred to as Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) or photobiomodulation - is the act of utilizing red light (and/or near-infrared light) for beneficial properties within the body.

Practical examples of this therapy may include the use of a laser that emits light in red light spectrum onto an injured body part, or red-light LED shown on the body. Red Light Therapy is an FDA approved treatment for acne, muscle and joint pain, compromised blood circulation, reversing hair loss and fat loss.

When one explores the 50,000 plus scientific and clinical studies conducted on Red Light Therapy to date, one will find that no matter what type of health complication a individual has, they can most likely benefit tremendously from Red Light and Near-Infrared Light Therapy.

The research into the power of red light to improve health and treat disease continues to gain momentum. What is being discovered through this research is that red and near-infrared light therapy can benefit virtually every system of the body.

This light can improve the way one looks – it can help shed inches of fat, reduce the signs of aging, regrow hair, increase the results from workouts, reduce pain, speed healing, boost hormonal health, and lower inflammation.

Expanding on the specific benefits of red and near-infrared light that have been shown in studies, below are the major benefits that have been proven by scientific research for Near-Infrared and Red-Light Therapy:

The Top 17 Benefits of Near-Infrared and Red-Light Therapy

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Identifying Therapeutic Wavelengths that Achieve Real Results

When choosing the right near-infrared and red-light therapy light device, you want to select a one that’s long-lasting, has a great warranty, is well-manufactured, and most importantly, one that offers the correct wavelengths at the right power density over a large area. Wavelength and intensity make all the difference between incredible benefits and no benefits.

Again, not all wavelengths are equal — nor are all devices. Look for wavelengths in the proven therapeutic ranges.

The bulk of research indicates the following wavelength are the most effective:

  • 630-680nm (the optimal healing spectrum of red light)
  • 800 to 880nm (the optimal healing spectrum of near-infrared)
  • IDEALLY a combination of both